Salmon Valley Stewardship in partnership with Bureau of Land Management Salmon Field Office, Lemhi County, City of Salmon, and Lemhi County Economic Development will host a Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design™ (CIRD) Workshop scheduled in Salmon, Idaho, at the Sacajawea Center (2700 Main Street) on Wednesday, April 12 through Friday, April 14, 2017. This workshop is fully open to the public, though RSVP is requested for participation in daytime events Wed – Fri, April 12 – 14.
Please RSVP here, by March 29, 2017 or contact for more information about this event.
Visiting resource team members who will help local participants work through the planning workshop includes:
Ceara O’Leary – Senior Designer & Project Director, Detroit Collaborative Design
Amy Camp – Owner, Cycle Forward Consulting, Pittsburgh, PA (Workshop keynote speaker)
Laura Torchio – Deputy Director, Transportation Initiatives, Project for Public Spaces, New York, NY
John Bosio – Partner, Merje, West Chester, PA
Wednesday, April 12
9:00-3:30 – Workshop sessions (open to the public – please RSVP)
Setting the Context:
Placemaking, Tourism Pros & Cons and Common Ground
Community Design Process
Placemaking Connectivity presentation
Interactive Group Exercises
Place Mapping
Connectivity – opportunities, constraints, needs, priorities
Report outs from participants
5:30 – 7:30 pm – Keynote Presentation by Amy Camp, Cycle Forward Consulting Sacajawea Center – Open House – Appetizers and DrinksThursday, April 13
9:00 am -12:30 pm – Workshop sessions (open to the public – please RSVP)
Diving In:
Trails and Tourism – Touch on Long Term Land Use Planning
Wayfinding – Shared Community Identity
Best Practice Design Options – Connecting Outskirts to Town
4:00 – 6:00 pm – Community Design and Placemaking Activities with the Salmon Community
Veteran’s Memorial Park – Main St., Downtown Salmon
Please RSVP no later than March 29, 2017.
Friday, April 14
9:00 am -12:00 pm – Wrap-up and next steps
Team meeting, wrap-up, finalize next steps. Friday morning workshop session also includes a chance for engaged stakeholders and very interested citizens to have a chance to work with the resource team one-on-one.
The Community of Salmon was selected in a national competition to host a CIRD Workshop by a national partnership, including the National Endowment for the Arts, USDA-Rural Development, Project for Public Places and the Orton Family Foundation. The goal of the workshop is to create a big-picture design for Salmon Valley’s trails system, wayfinding and placemaking for communicating this locally designed recreational experience; an integrated system with continuity that sets our town apart by connecting people – locals and visitors alike – to the entire community. We hope to accomplish the following goals:
Explore commonly held community values to inform placemaking and develop our community’s main interpretive themes. If we agree on our story, we can invest in it, and more readily communicate our identity & values to visitors.
Forge new bonds among stakeholders such as local government entities, NGOs, public agency partners, and citizens Leverage resources and inspire future investment and cooperation among stakeholders.
Engage the public in evaluating community infrastructure and its use/significance, and explore intuitive opportunities for connectivity.
Inform trails system wayfinding from the community of Salmon to outlying trails and recreation/cultural sites around the Salmon Valley.